Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 2/365:

I can feed myself now, Mom!  

C's first real attempts at feeding himself.

Day 1/365:

Sticking out his tongue is the first game C learned how to play with us. 

I wish his face had been angled a little more towards the light so his eyes didn't seem so dark.  However, if nothing else I've learned you take what you can get sometimes with an active toddler running around!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Challenges

I want to devote this year to the completion of some personal challenges.  

 1) I want to work on my photography.  I enjoy it!  I like making sure we'll have memories of almost every day when our son is small.  I want to be better at it so that I have a talent.  I haven't been talented at anything since I was small and I think it's time to change that.

2) I want to work on my house!  Housekeeper extraordinaire, I am not!  To say the least.  But I want my son to grow up in a house and not be embarrassed to have people over.  I want to teach him to do better than me!  And we want to sell our house one day.  So that means having actual workable goals and actually cleaning up!  

3) I want to be more on top of things.  Not just physically organized in the house, but emotionally organized so that big events don't come from nowhere.  I want to be prepared for Christmas next year, not have it run me over like a Mac truck like it did this year. I'm hoping that menu planning and better schedule keeping will help keep me on top of things.

4) I want to figure out what I can do to help support our family.  Losing my job this year was not ideal.  I don't want to go back to working full-time but my income was helpful to say the least. 

5)  Then of course, there's the ever present, lose weight!  Be healthier!  Be happier! nonsense that everyone promises themselves every year that never actually happens. 

I want this to be the year that it happens.  That this all happens.  I'm hoping that this blog will help me remain on track and accountable. 

All right 2011...let's do this thing!